Gemstones & Crystals - Their Meaning; Your Power

Gemstones are the prized possessions of Ancients around the world, embedded in history and steeped in cultural significance. They are believed to contain healing properties that can be harnessed and unlocked by anyone who holds them in their hands. Gemstones were used in rituals, ceremonies, and traditions to bring about peace, harmony, luck, and protection from evil forces. The Ancients believed that every gemstone had its own set of metaphysical powers associated with it and considered these stones sacred; imbuing them with power through prayer and meditation. They provided not just physical beauty but also an ethereal allure that spoke to their souls. With such beauty and mystery surrounding the use of gemstones throughout the millennia, it is no wonder why gemstones still capture our imagination and hold connective truths for inner reflection in order to gain the wisdom of oneself and the universe.

Gemstones come in a variety of shapes, sizes, colors, and textures making them perfect for those looking to access ancient wisdom or create balance within their inner being. Gemstones are believed to hold a power called "vibrational energy” each as unique as we are. This is a form of subtle energy that is said to be emitted from the stone and has various effects on the user - including healing, relaxation, calming, mindfulness, improved intuition, and even protection. Just like stones have this vibrational energy, human beings also emit their own vibrational energy. This can be affected by our physical and emotional state and is often referred to as an ‘aura’ or ‘energy field’. It is thought that when we come into contact with certain stones, the exchange of energies between us and the stone can lead to various benefits such as deep meditation, greater presence at the moment, enhanced manifestation abilities, and more relaxed states. By simply being in contact with these healing stones we can access their potential for deeper states of consciousness and personal growth.

In today’s stress-laden world, many have come to use gemstones for meditating, manifesting intentions, or just simply looking at something beautiful, ethereal, and visually calming, Who doesn’t want that? Meditating with specific gems at and for specific chakra points is a powerful and effective way to open oneself to spiritual growth and healing. It is like reading a book from the inside out, where the organic information begins in the body and is externalized to the outside world. - an interesting theory for us nerdy visualizers! For example, working with the Base or Root Chakra can help you develop feelings of safety and security in your life while clearing the Throat Chakra can give you more clarity when communicating. Connecting to the Crown Chakra promotes higher levels of awareness and a greater understanding of the divine within us all, With mediation, we can access these powerful energy centers to bring balance, release stagnant energy, and align our inner being with true purpose.


  • Green Quartz - This stone is often used in rituals and ceremonies to set intentions and manifest dreams. Green Quartz has been used by ancient civilizations for centuries. In Egyptian mythology, Green Quartz was believed to symbolize protection and good luck, while the Chinese believed it could bring wealth, good fortune, and longevity. Native American cultures believed it could bring healing energy to help with physical ailments. Green Quartz is associated with the Heart Chakra, promoting balance and understanding of emotions. For the user, it can bring clarity, confidence, and a feeling of being deeply connected to oneself. Green Quartz radiates both beauty and power and abundance. Its deep, vibrant green color reflects its majestic qualities, while its unique and extraordinary properties make it an incredibly desirable gemstone. The healing properties associated with Green Quartz are said to alleviate stress, anxiety, and depression, Its enchanting properties make it the perfect gemstone for anyone looking to bring clarity and balance into their lives.

  • Amazonite - An ancient Egyptian stone, this has been said to be a calming stone that helps to strengthen personal power and break down barriers. It resonates with the Throat Chakra, helping you to express yourself with integrity while providing emotional healing. For the user, this can bring harmony and create a deeper connection with one's inner truth. Amazonite is a beautifully vibrant stone with a captivating aqua-blue hue. This mineral has been used by ancient civilizations since Neolithic times and is also associated with the Heart Chakra. Amazonite helps to balance our emotions, giving us a greater sense of well-being. It can also bring creativity and clarity, aiding us in our communication with others. It is believed to be a stone of truth and courage, inspiring the wearer to feel more confident and empowered. Amazonite is a powerful stone for manifesting our dreams and desires and can be used to attract prosperity into our lives. It helps us to live our best lives while being compassionate and loving towards ourselves. Wear it close to your heart and be inspired by its beauty!

  • Carnelian - This stone was connected to bravery in ancient Roman culture as they believed it gave warriors courage on the battlefields. It resonates with the Sacral Chakra and brings out creativity and passion in its user by aiding in self-expression and encouraging taking risks. Carnelian is a highly sought-after gemstone, believed to bring energy, courage, passion, motivation, and strength. It has been used throughout history as an aphrodisiac and is associated with the Sacral Chakra. This precious stone is thought to bring joy, confidence, and creative energy, as well as a sense of calm and balance. The orange tones of Carnelian are believed to help the wearer access their sensuality and sexuality and when placed on the Sacral Chakra, it is thought to bring warmth and energy wherever needed. The ancient Egyptians used Carnelian to represent the goddess Isis, and it was believed to give her magical powers. The Romans associated the gemstone with Mars and its warrior energy. Ancient healers used Carnelian to increase fertility, as well as to bring emotional balance and courage to those who were dealing with life’s struggles. It is believed that Carnelian helps to protect against malicious intentions and bad luck while encouraging positive vibrations within the body.

  • Red Jasper- An Ancient Greek stone for protection during spiritual journeys, Jasper has been known for grounding energy that promotes physical strength and vitality. Connected to the Root Chakra, Jasper provides strength in times of stress or worry and restores balance within one's life. It encourages a balance between one's physical health and spiritual awareness. The gorgeous Jasper stone grounds us in the physical world and promotes feelings of safety and stability. Ancient civilizations like the Egyptians, Native Americans, and Hindus used this crystal to promote healing and inner balance. Today, Jasper is still incredibly popular, as it helps to remove energy blockages and strengthen our connection with the earth beneath us. This crystal is used in many healing practices, such as meditation and Reiki, to help promote feelings of rejuvenation, inner peace, and joy. Whether you're looking to harness your own power or tap into the healing energy that Jasper has to offer, it's an incredible crystal for anyone looking to deepen their connection with the earth and bring balance back into their lives.

  • Aquamarine - Ancient sailors have long relied on this stone for protection when leaving on their voyages across rough seas. Connected to both the Throat Chakra (for communication) and Heart Chakras (encouraging compassion), Aquamarine supports its users in good decision-making while caring for others' feelings simultaneously. Aquamarine is a gemstone of the highest quality, renowned for its mesmerizing and exotic blue hues. Its iridescent sheen has been coveted by many throughout the ages, and its beauty is sure to captivate anyone who lays eyes upon it. Aquamarines, delicate shades, and unique sparkling connection to the Throat Chakra, helps to improve communication. Shamans use aquamarine because they help us gain insight into our own mind to help calm the mind, nerves, and anxieties. Aquamarine is often used as a "good luck" stone as it fosters courage to bring peace, joy, and happiness.

  • Sodalite - Native Americans are said to have used Sodalite ceremonially as it links intuition with logic; perfect for dreamers who find it challenging to connect their ideas with practicality. Resonating with the Third Eye & Throat Chakras, Sodalite can help bring insight into one's thought process without getting overwhelmed by emotion or fear of judgment. For its user, this can be an invaluable tool for personal growth & empowerment like no other. Sodalite is thought to help open up communication between you and others. It can encourage emotional harmony, promote inner peace, and encourage self-awareness. Sodalite is also believed to enhance creativity and give you the confidence to express yourself. Its calming energy helps to reduce stress, allowing you to think with greater clarity and make better decisions. Ancient civilizations used Sodalite for its protective qualities and it has been known to bring luck and good fortune.

  • Black Obsidian - The Aztecs saw Obsidian as a portal into unknown depths of mystery so powerful that it should never be taken lightly; connecting us with our shadow selves & helping us recognize our weaknesses rather than deny them as humans are prone to do too often! Associated with the Root Chakra, Black Obsidian holds strong stabilizing energy that balances both physical & spiritual powers alongside releasing negative energies from oneself and the environment alike! When employed by its user it serves as an undeniable reminder of our vulnerability and need for inner strength through faith & understanding of ourselves even after facing our darkest moments, giving us protection, vitality, and enlightenment.

  • Pink Quartz - Ancient Egyptians believed Pink Quartz enhanced divine female energies; which is why we still see many seekers using pink quartz stones during meditation today as they connect us spiritually to knowledge regarding love & forgiveness towards ourselves and others around us. When employed by its user this beautiful crystal radiates gentle vibrations associated with a tenderness that promotes happiness within ourselves almost instantaneously, regardless of what dark thoughts linger around us throughout life’s journey at any given moment. Pink or rose quartz is associated with the Heart Chakra in bringing about the opening of the heart for unconditional love and healing.

  • Amethyst-The Celts were particularly fond of amethyst associating it closely intertwined with imagination and intuition; perfect ingredients needed when problem-solving any difficult situation that arises throughout life as well as providing solace from any possible harm that could threaten your mental well-being whenever needed most desperately! Connected strongly to Crown Chakra it amplifies clarity thus serving its users who need just one final push before crossing over into newfound heights who normally hesitate because uncertainty was blocking their path beforehand!

  • Picture Jasper-This stunningly unique gemstone comes from deep under the earth’s ground. It is more specifically referred to simply as ‘desert stone’ due to how each piece features unfolding and mesmerizing, picturesque colors from the sunbaked sedimentary rocks of ages past. Picture Jasper is an incredibly alluring stone that has been valued in ancient cultures for thousands of years. It is believed to be connected to the Earth and its energies, making it an ideal tool for spiritual growth. Picture Jasper is believed to be a powerful grounding stone that helps to bring balance, stability, and clarity to the mind. It is believed to help activate the Root Chakra, which can aid in physical healing, meditative practices, and spiritual transformation. Picture Jasper can be used to help stimulate and enhance creativity and imagination, enabling you to bring your goals into reality. It is also believed to be a powerful tool for working with intuition, allowing you to tap into the collective unconscious. With its unique patterns and vibrant hues, Picture Jasper is an incredibly beautiful stone that can help to bring balance and harmony into your life.

  • Peach Selenite-Egyptians honored pink Selenite as legend has it that their queen bathed herself wearing jewelry made of this crystal giving her supernatural powers, vitality, and beauty. Peach Selenite governs the Sacral Chakra and is said to heal old emotional wounds, and transform negative energy into forgiveness and love. Peach Selenite is said to aid in increasing self-awareness, willpower, and self-esteem.

  • White Selenite- White selenite in common eastern philosophy appears as very clear but subtle structures containing substantial amounts of information either in a physical or metaphysical form beneficial to anyone interested in spiritual advancement at certain points in life undoubtedly sparking curiosity within those seeking. Selenite is associated with the Crown Chakra for seeking higher consciousness, creative energy, and manifestation,

  • Yellow Onyx -Yellow Onyx is a positive and energizing gemstone that has been used for centuries to promote physical, mental, and spiritual balance. Not only is this gemstone known for its calming and stress-relieving benefits, but it has also been associated with meditation, healing, protection, and chakra alignment. With its golden color, it has been used in many cultures to bring about a sense of balance and peace. Yellow Onyx is believed to be a powerful tool for meditation, focusing on the Solar Plexus Chakra to help bring clarity of purpose and calm the mind. It is also believed to help draw out negative thoughts and energies, offering protection and grounding; thus, helping to amplify feelings of motivation and personal power. Yellow Onyx is truly a powerful gemstone that can be used to bring balance, healing, and protection.

  • Mookaite-Mookaite is a sensuous, captivating gemstone created with a combination of deep reds and yellows creating a unique compelling work of nature. It's rich in mystery and whispers of ancient wisdom, calling out to those who wish to explore its depths. Its energy is said to be gently supportive and encouraging, helping you stay true to yourself while still staying open to new experiences. Mookaite can be used to connect with the energy of the Earth and to increase spiritual awareness. It is known to help with meditation and chakra alignment, particularly in the Root and Sacral Chakras. It helps to ground our energies and to bring clarity to one’s thoughts and feelings, allowing us to take stock of our current situation and move forward in life. Mookaite is an excellent tool for strengthening our intuition and helping us to find creative solutions to any problems that we may face. When used in meditation, it can help us to understand the underlying causes of our thoughts and behaviors, enabling us to make positive life changes. Mookaite can also be used to enhance our connection with nature and the spiritual planes, allowing us to make deeper connections with our higher self. Try using Mookaite in your next meditation session and feel the energies of the Earth and its spiritual power. You may be surprised at what you find.

  • Ancient Wisdom Curations offers a stunning line of gemstones in a variety of presentations, whether it be in pendants made of natural breathtaking gemstones wrapped artistically in sterling silver wire, pillar or tealight candles, or symbolic Tree of Life jewelry and Tree of Life Gemstone Trees. We also offer hand-selected Selenite, Mookaite, or Yellow Onyx hearts radiating its own cosmic energies and you can have them engraved for that special touch for a loved one or to give yourself some self-love that you deserve. You will be sure to be mesmerized by our thoughtfully curated offerings. We honor, knowledge, power, self-reflection, and a love of wisdom through the ages. Our intention is to bring these treasures and meanings to life. Let yourself be enchanted by Ancient Wisdom Curations as you explore far-reaching cultures, history, and your own inner being!


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